
Friday, December 23, 2016

Success Stories From Twitter’s Front Lines

Twitter has had an extraordinary year by any measure. Regardless of the headlines, though, leading brands continue to invest in the platform to achieve a variety of marketing objectives and insights.

Twitter’s open nature lends itself to this approach. As Insightpool CEO Devon Wijesinghe put it recently:

Twitter plays an influential role in public discourse. It captures people’s attention and engages them, particularly around high-profile events and meaningful moments. That’s why Twitter lends itself to a variety of use cases for brands seeking to connect with prospective and previous consumers.

Here are just a few recent examples of Fortune 500 brands in quick-service restaurants, telecommunications, fashion, retail, consumer packaged goods and financial services–each making the most of Twitter.

A QSR increased awareness of new items on its breakfast menu. Breakfasts have always been tantalizing for fast-food chains, but providing it is notoriously difficult. When a QSR challenger jumped into the game recently, it deployed Twitter to maximize awareness during the restaurant’s hours of operation, with content encouraging people to stop by for meals throughout the day. A tool paused Twitter ads promoting breakfast items after 10 a.m. and automatically turned them back on at 6 a.m. the following day using Twitter’s partnership with Oracle to target multiple audiences of people who frequent fast-food restaurants, who spend money at competing QSRs and who buy ready-made breakfast items. Interestingly, product-focused content significantly outperformed celebrity content. Moreover, tweets depicting breakfast items generated an engagement rate six times higher than ads on other media platforms that showcased the same products.

A telecommunications company wanted to acquire new subscribers and gain insights on Twitter in order to scale customer acquisition. In a recent test, the telco had been surprised to learn that while highly qualified audiences such as visitors to its website performed best, they’re too small to scale. Broader audiences such as Android users and Twitter users interested in tech delivered great efficiencies. The telco also learned that creative featuring strong call-to-actions such as “choose a phone” or “order a new phone” amid product-forward imagery generated a cost-per-checkout nearly 50 percent more efficient than posts with softer messaging and less creative emphasis on product. (That’s the power of data.)

A leading beauty brand wanted to maximize brand awareness and preference during New York Fashion Week. Multidimensional targeting at the Twitter ad group level enabled the company to analyze and control budget between different audiences with more granularity. As a result, the brand achieved a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) 42 percent less expensive than a comparable campaign during Fashion Week 2015.

A subsidiary brand of a global beverage company wanted to drive premium association with the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Knowing that the digital conversation around the Olympics would be concentrated on Twitter, the brand activated several tactics to achieve relevant visibility. The brand chose four unique sports with which to associate this particular subsidiary. The tactic worked quite well.

A large insurance company wanted to drive new qualified form leads, and it included Twitter in its media mix. The key segment returned an especially notable lift, driving 25 percent more conversions than a holdout group that was not exposed to any campaign assets.

Twitter has a unique ability to connect brands with their consumers at key moments–not just during tent-pole, events but also during everyday events such as morning commutes. The platform is enabling marketers to impact brand perception among key audiences, engage them and drive sales. As a result, Twitter should continue to be a key media platform in the marketer’s tool kit.

Max Kalehoff is chief marketing officer at social ad technology and insights provider SocialCode.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

from SocialTimes

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